Embrace Your Authentic Self and Craft the Life of Your Dreams.

Liam Pierce

Hi, I am Liam Pierce

Founder of Liam Pierce Coaching


This is my Story


I grew up with nothing. No money, no support, no direction. I was told at a young age that the best I can hope for was a good job and to hold onto it until I died. Well, that didn’t work for me. There had to be more in life, but I didn’t have any sense of who I was or what really brought me joy. When you are poor, joy is a luxury and something I didn’t have access to.

After realizing my situation, I started to look for answers outside of my comfort zone into the world beyond. I have had many jobs over the years from all over the nation trying to find myself. The closest I came to discovering who I am was during my 10 years as a real estate agent. At least that is what I thought.

In 2020 I had my mental break of not knowing who I was, and all the past traumas finally caught up to me and crushed me. Let me rephrase that, I let it crush me. I felt I didn’t deserve what I had over the years and went down a very dark rabbit hole of imposter syndrome. I lived in that rabbit hole for almost 2 years. I decided to act and get some help. I hired a life coach, and it changed my life forever.

My life coach showed me how to overcome imposter syndrome and so much more. But the most profound thing she showed me was that I have been helping people my whole life and not realizing that is what I have been doing. I have been servicing society and it was a moment in my life that I will never forget. Everything clicked in place. I told her that I want to do what she does. Just the thought of it made me happy and I found my fulfillment, my joy.

Since I started coaching, I’ve helped my clients break free of the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life's too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled.

If you're ready to walk away from your own road blocks and build a life you love, I am ready to lead the way.

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